SwayamShodh (स्वयंशोध) is about finding yourself….your health, harmony and happiness! One loses his/her focus from the purpose of Life, which results in disharmony, discomfort and misery. We recover what is lost, by discovering Self.
To undertake the journey of Self-discovery, we facilitate
a) Meditation
b) Brain Storming/Interaction
c) Conscious Gathering – a space for unconditional acceptance d) Free Counselling etc.
Workshops on Spirituality & Life Integration are being conducted regularly by Dr. Prabodh which use Past-life regression in a psychotherapeutic setting to help participants to connect to the purpose of Life. Thousands of students/participants are benefitted and have given positive feedback about its efficacy.
We conduct Spiritual Counselling Courses in which Student has to select and undergo/ experience any one of the various spiritual techniques available to the student. Mentoring and guidance is provided in the weekly interaction and brain storming sessions.